The Data Doodle

A blog about visualizing, analyzing, and managing data

Address Validation Directive

The workings of this directive are illustrated in the following 3 scenarios. In each scenario, after the user initially presses ‘save’, the directive makes a call to the address validation service, injects appropriate html (if needed), waits for a user response, and updates the address fields accordingly.

Address fields on a page before user presses save

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View the Source Code

The three scenarios this directive handles:

  1. User enters an invalid address and the service returns a suggested address
  2. User enters a invalid address and the service doesn’t return a suggested address
  3. User enters a valid address

Case 1

Upon pressing Save, the address service is not able to find an address that matches what the user entered. But it is able to find a possible match, and returns it as a suggestion. The user is given the option to select the suggested address or force the save with the original address.
After pressing Save, directive calls validation service and returns a suggested address if it can't find a perfect match

After address is validated and/or has user approval normal processing continues

See the demo for additional cases