The Data Doodle

A blog about visualizing, analyzing, and managing data

Skills Demo - A Few Examples

This document is intended to be a guided tour through some of my code. It will provide some insight into my skill set, coding style, and overall approach to developing apps. Scroll through this docuement to find the following examples:

  • fdic-sdi-manager (node-based ETL with lots of cool es6 features)
  • Blooming Menu Directive (angular directive, animation)
  • Address Verification Directive (angular directive, promise-based DOM manipulation)

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Node App Configuration

Applications that are deployed to various physical and logical environments (AWS, Heroku, Dev, Prod, Local, Test, Debug, Language, TodayDate, etc…) will need a way to dynamically adapt to their current environment. The path to a file on AWS is definitely different than a path to a file on a disconnected development box.

A note about supplying credentials in an application -

Credentials for accessing outside resources (databases, s3 buckets, deployment services, etc…) should not be included in any source file (config or hardcoded in app) that will be checked-in to a source control system.

Config File

A smart module for handling config files is necessary. You can create your own, or just use one that has already been created and tested, like nodejs-config.
npm install nodejs-config

Environment Variables

Sometimes, using environment variables is the way to go. Like when the application needs credentials data such as username and password.

Cost of Change vs. Cost of Understanding

There are costs associated with how you write code (the patterns you utilize). Highly abstract code that relies on a high degree of inheritance, factories, and dependency injection is easier to change, but harder to understand.

Code that is less abstract is more likely to break something somewhere when you change it. Though it is harder to change, it is easier to understand.

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Git Workflow

How does code get from a developer’s machine through all the steps of testing and integration and deployment? A well-defined process flow is essential. Here are a couple examples of flows I designed and implemented.

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